Please take time to read this. You’ll get way more out of your coaching session and it’s important that we are on the same page when working together.

In the spirit of good practice, when you schedule and/or purchase coaching services from me I will ask you to confirm that you have read and agreed to each statement below and that you wish to proceed.


Coaching Agreement, Terms, and Conditions

Coaching Parameters

  • All coaching services and communication, email or otherwise, delivered by myself, Jacquelin Finnicum, as well as information on my website are meant to help you identify the areas in your life and in your thinking that may be preventing you from experiencing greater well-being and moving forward.

  • Coaching is not a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care. 

  • Life Coach Services are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any mental health or medical conditions.

  • Coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, or substance abuse treatment.

  • The Coach is not acting as a mental health counselor or a medical professional.

  • Coaching is currently an unregulated industry and my Coach is licensed by The Life Coach School.

  • To the extent that Coach and Client’s work together involves career or business, the Coach is not promising outcomes included but not limited to increased clientele, profitability, and or business success.

  • The use of technology is not always secure and inherent risks of confidentiality exists in the use of email, text, phone, Zoom, and other technology.

My responsibilities as your coach:

  • I will not divulge that you are in a coaching relationship without your expressed consent.

  • I will do everything possible to support you in achieving your own results and desired outcomes.

  • I will work with you to identify solutions and offer insights and observations based on my own personal experience, training, and the information you provide.

  • All comments and ideas offered are solely for the purpose of aiding in achieving the Client’s defined goals.

  • I will protect your information as confidential unless I state otherwise in writing.

  • If Client reports child, elder abuse, or neglect, or threatens to harm self or someone else, necessary actions will be taken and confidentiality agreement limited in this capacity.

  • If I am ordered by a court to provide information or to testify, I will do so to the extent the law requires.


  • Are responsible for the cause of all change in their life.

  • Accept full responsibility for all decisions and courses of action.

  • Take full responsibility for personal well-being during coaching sessions, and subsequently, including personal choices and decisions. 

  • Understand and agree that Coaching is not a substitute for professional counseling, mental health care, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, or substance abuse treatment, and will not be used it in place of any form of therapy.  

  • Grant consent to the coach to assist in achieving defined personal goals created, and understand that results are not guaranteed.

  • Release, waive, acquit, and forever discharge Coach, any agents, successors, assigns, personal representatives, executors, heirs, and employees from every claim, suit action, demand or right to compensation for damages claimed to have arisen out of acts or omissions by self or by the Coach, as a result of the advice given by Coach, or otherwise resulting from the coaching relationship.